
Open Call for the I International Congress of the Galician Network of Queer Studies

HISTAGRA at the I International Congress of the Galician Network of Queer Studies The HISTAGRA research group participates through the researcher Daniela Ferrández and the researcher / collaborator Francisco G. Quiroga in the organization of the I International Congress of the Galician Network of Queer Studies Queer / cuir and LGBT + studies grow every day with more and more references, works and currents of thought to turn to. This expansion also implies the need to create new academic spaces accessible to all people who show interest in these issues, especially in political moments like the ones we live in that make these meeting places more necessary than ever. For this reason, Red Gallega de Estudios Queer advocates the creation of places of debate in Galicia, far from l...
  • Presentation of the book Á volta do tempo. Estudos de Historia Contemporánea

    Presentation of the Book Á volta do tempo. Contemporary History Studies. Tribute to the teaching of Ramón Villares Next Tuesday, December 14 at 1:00 p.m. we will proceed to the presentation of the Book A The Return of Time. Contemporary History Studies. https: // histagra. pub...
  • HISTAGRA at the SEHA 2021 Seminar

    The HISTAGRA Group will be present at the IX SEHA ANNUAL SEMINAR  Histagra participates in the organization of the event through the researcher Ana Cabana Iglesia. In addition, HISTAGRA will be present with the work of the Researchers in Training, David Fontán Bestilleiro and Ricardo Suáre...
  • Histagra wins a postdoctoral contract Margarita Salas

    New member of the HISTAGRA Group: Daniela Ferrández Pérez The HISTAGRA group has obtained a new postdoctoral contract. This is the researcher trained in the Daniela Ferrández Pérez group, who has obtained a postdoctoral grant Margarita Salas. The Margarita Salas Grants for the trainin...