Open Call for the I International Congress of the Galician Network of Queer Studies

HISTAGRA at the I International Congress of the Galician Network of Queer Studies


The HISTAGRA research group participates through the researcher Daniela Ferrández and the researcher / collaborator Francisco G. Quiroga in the organization of the I International Congress of the Galician Network of Queer Studies


Queer / cuir and LGBT + studies grow every day with more and more references, works and currents of thought to turn to. This expansion also implies the need to create new academic spaces accessible to all people who show interest in these issues, especially in political moments like the ones we live in that make these meeting places more necessary than ever.


For this reason, Red Gallega de Estudios Queer advocates the creation of places of debate in Galicia, far from large metropolises such as Madrid or Barcelona, ​​where this type of forum is more common. In the congress "Bodies, gender and sexuality" both the diversity of thoughts that arose between its political limits and those coming from other places will be collected. Thus, an initiative with an international vocation is presented that allows us to reflect on the possibility of generating a Galician queer current and, at the same time, allows us to establish an encounter and debate with people from other places.


Important dates: 


Abstracts submission: 

December 2 to January 15, 2022 


Resolution deadline 

January 30, 2022 


on-lecturer registration: 

January 16 to March 1, 2022 


Celebration of the congress: 

March 11, 12 and 13, 2022


Who is it for: 

This congress is aimed at people who carry out research work related to bodies, gender and / or sexuality from a queer perspective. It is open to research work of any stage, and those projects developed or focused on Galicia will be prioritized, although other contributions are open.



To present a communication you must send, before January 15, a summary of your research of between 250 and 300 words that includes the following points: objectives, results and conclusions. Communications may be made in Galician-Portuguese, Spanish and English in their different varieties. If you wish to communicate in another language, contact us by email. 


Each participant will have between 15 and 20 minutes to present her work. This limit will be rigid because we consider that respect for the times constitutes a feminist practice and we want to prevent any companion skirt being damaged as a result of power dynamics, often imperceptible, and poor time management.


The provisional program https: // redegalegadeestudosqueer. wordpress. com / program / 


Thematic areas: The proposed thematic areas for communications are: education, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, architecture and urbanism, decolonial theory, cryp theory, intersectional feminism, history, art, natural sciences, audiovisual productions and cultural representations, polyamory and other forms of relationship.


More information at https: // redegalegadeestudosqueer. wordpress. com / registration-and- communications / 
