Presentation of the book Á volta do tempo. Estudos de Historia Contemporánea

Presentation of the Book Á volta do tempo. Contemporary History Studies. Tribute to the teaching of Ramón Villares


Next Tuesday, December 14 at 1:00 p.m. we will proceed to the presentation of the Book A The Return of Time. Contemporary History Studies.


https: // histagra. publicacions / 633 / the-turn-of-time-contemporary-history-studies


The event will be in the Teachers' Room of the Faculty of Geography and History at 1:00 p.m. and it will be chaired by the Dean of the Faculty Marco V. García Quintela, and at the table will participate on behalf of the editors Lourenzo Fernández Prieto and the authors, Concha Varela.


We will have the honoree, Ramón Villares. 


About the post:


This book has a reason for being as simple as it is essential: to bring together contributors who, being professors at universities, at the time presented doctoral theses directed by Ramón Villares. With his teaching, from that time of the transition from dictatorship to democracy, that of his generation, Villares released the explanation of the past from political servitudes to interpret the present with the keys of the historian with civic conscience. These pages want to be, therefore, a recognition of the teacher who is at the origin of our university being.