
Uncomfortable Pasts Cycle: José R. Rodríguez Lago

New lecture in the HISTAGRA series Pasados Incómodos: José Ramón Rodríguez Lago: Memorias y desmemoria. The Catholic Church during Franco's regime Next Wednesday 7 February at 6 p.m. at the Faculty of Geography and History, Room 14, the lecture by José Ramón Rodríguez Lago, lecturer at the University of Vigo, will take place: Memories and dismemory. The Catholic Church during Franco's regime This is one of the lectures programmed in the series Pasados Incómodos organised by the HISTAGRA Group, within the research line: Guerra, franquismo, transición y memoria: Historia y memoria del S. XX. Politics of memory. José Ramón Rodríguez Lago is a lecturer at the University of Vigo. His research initially focused on the role of the Catholic Church in Spain in the 20th century, which...
  • HISTAGRA at the Conference "The territory of Galicia. Present and future".

    HISTAGRA participates in the conferences organised by COAG "The territory of Galicia. Present and future" On 30 and 31 January and 1 and 2 February in Lugo, COAG is organising the conference "The territory of Galicia. Present and future". The HISTAGRA researchers Ana Cabana Iglesia and Ramón Vi...
  • Seminar: TAMARA LÓPEZ FERNÁNDEZ: The evolution of delinquency in Lugo

    HISTAGRA begins the Seminar series for the 2023-2024 academic year HISTAGRA is once again organising, in collaboration with CISPAC, the series of seminars for the 2023-2024 academic year. The first conference will be held on Thursday 11 January and will be given by HISTAGRA researcher Tama...