HISTAGRA at the Conference "The territory of Galicia. Present and future".

HISTAGRA participates in the conferences organised by COAG "The territory of Galicia. Present and future"


On 30 and 31 January and 1 and 2 February in Lugo, COAG is organising the conference "The territory of Galicia. Present and future". The HISTAGRA researchers Ana Cabana Iglesia and Ramón Villares Paz will take part in them.


Tomorrow, Tuesday 30th January at 19:30 h. Ana Cabana will give the conference: "The land is ours: rural conflict in the Franco regime and the transition. A gender perspective".


On February 2nd at 16:30 Ramón Villares will give the lecture: Land uses in Galicia. A historical perspective.


The conference is divided into two distinct blocks. The first, formulated from the technical and scientific point of view of land use planning, with speakers from the academic world and from different specialities to provide information from a geographical, sociological, economic, historical or ecological perspective that "allows us to understand the current situation of the territory and the keys to its planning". The second block will focus on the exclusively political component of spatial planning, where the different political options with parliamentary representation will present their project and vision of the territory for Galicia, from the present to a horizon of twenty or thirty years.


This conference will be available in streaming at the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFFpq2zQPiw&ab_channel=DirectosCOAG