Bibiana Martínez Álvarez

Bibiana Martínez Álvarez

PhD in social anthropology



Bibiana Martínez Álvarez (Ferrol 1981) holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona, where she also holds a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and a Master's degree in Anthropology and Ethnography.


She was a member of the GER (Grup d'Estudis sobre Reciprocitat) of the Departament d'Antropologia Social of the Universitat de Barcelona and also of the GET (Grupo de Estudios Territoriales) of the Departament de Sociologia i Ciències da Comunicació of the Universidade da Coruña.


Her research interest is framed in the rural field, specifically in the processes of production (mainly food) and reproduction that occur in this area and its relationship with resilience and care. She approaches these issues from a historical perspective, from economic anthropology, political economy, agrarian studies, food sovereignty and moral economies.


Some of his most recent publications are: "Of Farms and the State: Changing Relations andAmbivalentvisionsintheDairySectorinGalicia(Spain)" inANTROPOLOGIA (2021); "Dignityandjustprices.The moral economyof farming inthe age of campo-industry" inDisparidades. Revistade Antropología, together with researcher Patricia Homs (2021); "Maythe Smoke Keep Coming Out the Fireplace: Moral Connections between Rural Tourism and Socio-Ecological Resilience in the EUME region, Galicia" in Sustainability, together with researcher Jose Antonio Cortés Vázquez (2020); and the book Procurandounhavidadigna.Prezoxustoe sostenibilidade en las granjas familiares de leche en Galicia published by Dr Alveiros (2020).
