Roque Sanfiz Arias

Roque Sanfiz Arias

FPI research fellow

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9453-9730


Roque Sanfiz Arias (Fene, 1996) has a degree in History (2018, USC) and an Interuniversity Master in Contemporary History (UAB, 2019). He is currently doing his PhD as an FPI contract researcher on the different models of innovation that developed in Galician agriculture in the twentieth century. At the same time he participates in the Ecosocial Laboratory of Barbanza.


He has published on other aspects of the social history of contemporary Galicia, especially on the process of the introduction of sport: Sanfiz Arias, R., & Domínguez Almansa, La. (2023). La "epidemia" del sport. Educación, socialización y expansión de él deporte en Galicia y Cataluña (1870-1914). Ayer. Revista De Historia Contemporánea, 130(2), 247-272.; Martínez Torres, M., & Sanfiz Arias, R. (2023). Nuevos espacios de sociabilidad en el ámbito rural en el primer tercio de el siglo XX: Fútbol en la comarca ourensana del Ribeiro. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 40, 19-40. and Domínguez Almansa, Andrés, Sanfiz Arias, Roque and Riveiro-Rodríguez, Tania (2021): "Deporte, educación, violencia: otra perspectiva del proceso civilizador (Galicia, 1890-1936)" in Miguel Cabo Villaverde and Francisco José Leira-Castiñeira (eds.): A xustiza pola mana. Violencia e conflitividade na Galicia contemporánea. Vigo: Xerais, pp. 217-241. 


He was awarded the prize for linguistic quality in the area of Humanities for his dissertation entitled: Fiebre en el campo. Football in Fene until 1936, which in 2019 would be published in volume 39 of Revista Murguía.


He is a member of the editorial board of Mazarelos: Revista de Historia e Cultura
