Bruno Esperante Paramos

Bruno Esperante Paramos

Assistant Professor Doctor

ORCID: 0000-0002-5814-7983


Bruno Esperante (A Baña, 1988) is Assistant Professor of Economic History, member of the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).

Graduate in History (2013 USC), MA with Extraordinary Prize in Contemporary History (2014 USC), and PhD in History with International Qualification form the University of Santiago de Compostela (2020 USC) with the thesis: " The moto-mechanization of Galicia agriculture (1939-2000): Innovation policies, markets, and rural communities”, awarded with the VII Valentín Paz Andrade Prize for the best dissertation in Economics in 2020.

He completed his PhD under the Research Training Programme at the USC during 2015/2019. He was postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva-Formación at the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Politics and World Economy, at the University of Barcelona during 2021/2022. He was Assistant Professor of Economic History and member of the Department of Applied Economics, Structure and History of the Complutense University of Madrid during 2022/2023.

He has completed four international research stays at the University of Coimbra (Portugal, 2022); Trinity College Dublin (Ireland, 2018); Purdue University (United States, 2017) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (Sweden, 2016).

His lines of research focus on the analysis of innovation and technological change in agriculture from a socio-institutional and environmental

The results of his research were published and awarded in scientific journals such as Rural History, Historia Agraria or the Revista de Historia Industrial where he was winner of the Felipe Ruíz Martín 2022 Prize for the best economic history article published in 2021 awarded by the Spanish Association of Economic History (AEHE). He has also published divulgation material on international platforms such as the Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia edited by the prestigious Rachel Carson Center together with the Ludwing Maximilians Universität-München (LMU München).

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