Ramón Villares Paz

Ramón Villares Paz


ORCID: 0000-0003-0692-0257


Ramón Villares Paz (Cazás-Xermade, 1951) is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Santiago de Compostela since 1987. Director of the Department of Contemporary History (1983-1986), Dean of the Faculty of Xeography and History (1986-1990) and Rector Magnifico of the University of Santiago (1990-1994), founding member and President of the Spanish Association of Contemporary History (1996-2002) and Director in Galicia of the International University Menendez Pelayo, UIMP (1997-2005). He is also a Full Member of the Royal Galician Academy and Honorary Researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (U. Lisbon) (since 2011). Member of the Editorial Board of Marcial Pons, Ediciones de Historia (Madrid) and member of the Advisory Board of magazines such as Historia Social (Valencia), Ler História, Análise Social (Lisbon), Ayer, Contemporary History magazine (Madrid). He belongs to the boards of the Museo do Pobo Galego, the Luis Seoane Foundation, the Otero Pedrayo Foundation and the Juana de Vega Foundation. He was President of the Consello da Cultura Galega, from 2006 to 2019.

Director of more than twenty doctoral theses, he has also been Principal Investigator of several Research Projects (competitive calls), as well as of more than thirty research agreements (Technology Transfer). He has also participated in numerous Research Project Evaluation Committees since 1988 (DGICYT, Xunta de Galicia, AGAUR of Catalonia, FYCIT of Asturias), he has been an external consultant for the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon), from 1999 to 2010. He has also carried out research stays at the Universitá di Bologna (1989), at the EHESS in Paris (2001) and at the UNAM in Mexico (2018). In 2007/2008, he was Chairman of the Evaluation Panel of the Research Units in History of Portugal (FCT) and during the years 2009/2011, Chairman of the Evaluation Panel of Research Projects of the Area of ​​History, Heritage and History of Science (FCT, Portugal).

His lines of research are agrarian history, peasant politicization, historiography, cultural studies, history of migration and exile.

His publications include: (2011): Emigrant in a dream country. Luís Seoane between Galicia and Arxentina, Santiago de Compostela; (2012): Luis Seoane, between Galicia and Argentina; (2012): The contemporary world. From the 19th to the 19th century; (2014): History of Galicia; (2016): Galicia Cen. Obxectos to tell a culture; (2016): Da Frouseira a Carral. On dous fitos it gives "symbolic" Galician "; (2017): Identity and national affections; (2017): Iberian exiles: unha ollada compared. We are 70 years of the foundation of the Consello de Galiza; (2018): Escape and return of Adrián Solovio. On a sentimental education of a Galician intellectual; (2018): Galicia no global context: a peripheral country ?; (2019): Terre de Galice. Historie d'un Finistère Européen; (2019): Galicia. A nation between two worlds, Barcelona.

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