HISTAGRA presents research papers at Rural History 2023


Between 11 and 14 September 2023, the seventh edition of Rural History will be held in Cluj, Romania.


The conference is coordinated by the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Museum of Ethnography of Transylvania. Rural History 2023 aims to conduct debates presenting research achievements related to the agrarian world and the countryside, with topics related to rural history, thus encouraging papers providing multidisciplinary and comparative approaches. The congress is also intended to be a great opportunity to bring contemporary concerns about rurality to the table, and to highlight ways in which it can contribute to the safeguarding of living heritage.



HISTAGRA is present with the following papers:


Lourenzo Fernández Prieto and Roque Sanfiz Arias: The closest technicians. The role of veterinarians in agricultural change in Atlantic agriculture. Galicia 1900-1936


Roque Sanfiz Arias: How did innovation in European agriculture come about? Researching Galicia in the 20th century, a case of peasant agriculture


Bruno Esperante and Daniel Lanero-Táboas: Trust or distrust? Innovation, technology, and agricultural knowledge from the United States to

the Iberian Dictatorships, 1950-1975


David Fontán Bestilleiro: Where the hand of man is not visible”. Agriculture, environment, collective action and conflicts in a Galician case (17th - 21st century)

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