HISTAGRA Seminar: From abandonment to hospitalization. Evolution of health care in rural Spain (1900-1975)

New HISTAGRA Seminar by Josep Barceló Prats and Daniel Lanero Táboas


Next Friday, March 25 at 12 noon in the Contemporary History Master's Classroom, the conference by professors and researchers Josep Barceló Prats and Daniel Lanero Táboas will take place, entitled: From abandonment to hospitalization. Evolution of health care in rural Spain (1900-1975)




Date: 03/25/2022 

Title: From abandonment to hospitalization. Evolution of health care in rural Spain (1900-1975) 

Speakers: Josep Barceló Prats and Daniel Lanero Táboas 

Time: 12 

Place: Faculty of History. Contemporary Master Classroom 


Face-to-face and team conference on the channel: 


