Grants for predoc contracts for the training of doctors 2021 announced

Submission of applications for Aid for predoutorais contracts for the training of doctors 2021 (Old FPI)


Project: The two ways of agricultural change and development of the 20th century. Pluralism of knowledge in an organic framework and technocracy of the green revolution. Atlantic agriculture, 1880-2000


Application deadline: from October 28 to November 11, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. (peninsular), both inclusive.


Announcement: fdf738d70 fd325001432ea0 /? vgnextoid = 4 c6 c68d98570 c710 VgnVCM1000001d04140 aRCRD & vgnextchannel = 305938 bc8423 c710 VgnVCM1000001d04140 aRCRD & vgnextfmt = format2 & id3 = 276 c68d98570 c710 VgnVCM40la1000001


More information in the attached document 
