Thomas Christiansen
Title: "The Reason Why. The post civil - war agrarian crisis in Spain"
James Simpson
Title: "Producer cooperatives, institutional change and p...
Photos of the representation organized by HISTAGRA, together with the artist Pepe Sendón, of one of the most famous plays written by Howard Zinn, Marx in Soho.
Photo Gallery of the Seminar "Resultados e novas liñas de investigación. Proxecto Políticas agrarias en un contexto autoritario, de la autarquia a la revolución verde: consecuencias en el agroecosis...
Photo gallery of the presentation of the book Por surcos y calles. Movilización social e identidades en Galicia y País Vasco (1968–1980) (Catarata, 2013), that was helt at Couceiro bookstor. Santiag...
Photo gallery of the presentation of the book A Cámara Agrícola e Pecuaria de Santiago (1890-1929) written by Antonio Miguez Macho and Miguel Cabo Villaverde.
The presentation was held on 10th Apr...
On Thursday 27 September was celebrated at History and Geography Faculty the workshop organized by HISTAGRA research group: La socialización en la guerra contra la República y los apoyos de la d...